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Callaway Golf Foundation

The Callaway Golf Company Foundation is a private, nonprofit organization that has donated more than $13 million to charities, primarily through donations from Callaway Golf Company and its late Founder, Ely Callaway.

Our Mission

The Callaway Golf Company Foundation strives to create healthy communities where our stakeholders live and work. Our focus is to support programs that improve lives and contribute to communities on a select basis. The Foundation also serves as a catalyst for our employees to become involved in and contribute to their communities.

The Callaway Golf Company Foundation has an excellent track record of identifying worthwhile causes and groups that fit its goals. It does not accept unsolicited requests for grants.

Foundation Activities

World Golf Foundation/The First Tee
The Callaway Foundation is currently supporting The World Golf Foundation’s Campaign for 10 Million Young People. The program allows The First Tee's character education and life skills programs to positively influence 10 million young people and their families while preparing them for success in high school and beyond. The World Golf Foundation’s mission is to develop and support initiatives including the Golf Hall of Fame, The First Tee, and Golf 2020 that positively impact lives through the game of golf and its traditional values.

Pro Kids Golf Academy and Learning Center
Pro Kids Golf Academy and Learning Center (PKGA) was founded in 1994 with the mission to positively impact the lives of inner-city youth by providing programs that promote education, character development, life-skills, and values through the game of golf. In fall 2012, Pro Kids completed construction of a second facility in Oceanside, CA. with support from the Callaway Foundation. Pro Kids provides golf and life skills instruction to kids ages 7-17 in North County. Golf and educational programs are offered in the Ely Callaway Golf & Learning Center and The Honors Course.

Challenged Athletes, Inc.
The Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) is a unique organization that recognizes the athletic greatness inherent in all people with physical challenges and supports their athletic endeavors by providing grants for training, competition and equipment needs.

Employee Matching Gift Program
The Callaway Golf Employee Matching Gift Program supports employees and directors in their charitable giving. The Callaway Golf Company Foundation gives back to the community by matching individual employee gifts made to qualified nonprofit organizations with a matching Foundation gift.

Dollars for Doers Program
The Callaway Foundation recognizes and rewards employees that volunteer in their community. The Dollars for Doers Program provides cash grants to qualified nonprofit organizations that employees donate 25 hours a year to on their own time.

Scholarship Program
The Callaway Golf Company Foundation is a program to benefit dependents of Callaway Golf employees. The Scholarship Program provides financial awards to promising students who seek higher education.

For More Information:
Callaway Golf Company Foundation
2180 Rutherford Road
Carlsbad, CA 92008-7328

Callaway Golf Foundation- Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Callaway Golf Company Foundation?
The Callaway Golf Company Foundation is the charitable giving arm of Callaway Golf Company.

Can I apply for Grants?
Callaway Golf Company Foundation does not accept unsolicited requests for grants.

Do you donate to or sponsor benefits tournaments or fundraisers? 
The Callaway Golf Company Foundation does not donate product to or sponsor benefit golf tournaments, fundraisers or other special events.  We do consider product donation requests through the Callaway Golf Company Employee Community Giving Department, when product is available to respond to such requests.

Do you provide scholarships?
At this time, the Foundation does not offer scholarships to the public.

How does the foundation get its money?
The Foundation is supported by cash gifts from Callaway Golf Company, as well as by gifts of cash and appreciated stock from private individuals.

Tax Information

2019 Callaway Golf Company Foundation Federal Tax Return